Saturday, August 22, 2009

I have a confession to make... I love Coinstar. You know, those things in the grocery store where you can cash in your piggybank for real money? I get gift certificates and use it to splurge on little things for the boy without feeling guilty. I ususally buy him board books, but last week, I cashed the piggybank in for some American Apparel baby clothes and Sophie the giraffe, an overpriced teething toy that is so precious and old-timey looking that I couldn't resist. Here are some pics of him playing (in his new shirt) in his toy basket (Sophie is in there somewhere) this morning. Ok, he didn't exactly crawl in there by himself... but he was hamming it up on his own while I snapped a few pictures. He'll probably be too big to fit him inside a pumpkin when Halloween rolls around, right? Oooh, that reminds me that I need to start thinking about costumes. Any ideas/suggestions?

1 comment:

Jen said...

I almost bought a Sofie the other day! I don't know why the little giraffe is so adorable!

Give Addi's future boyfriend a big kiss from me.