Friday, May 08, 2009

I miss my home! Shortly before The Flood, my one true love hung our front porch swing, creating a new knitting and tea-sipping nook. He also planted about a dozen large white azaleas for me to enjoy! I leave a wonderfully colorful acrylic afghan (crocheted by my mother, back in the day) out front for extra comfort. My friend who taught me how to knit was horrified at my love of acrylic thrift-store sweaters... and I have another confession to make-- I love acrylic blankets too! They are so easy to wash and are good for outdoor use! I also want to get a recycled plastic rug for the front porch to give the area a more home-y feel.

I'm still suffering from a terrible cold, complete with runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache, occasional sweats... Yuck! The good news is that baby is muuuuccccch better than mama. He has an occasional lingering cough and a boogie or two that needs aspirating. His daddy is an angel, letting me sleep in and trying to convince me to go to the doctor. How about casting on for the Monkey socks instead?

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