Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fruits of my Labor

Baby Lulu's mom happens to be a really cool lady.  She's one of my dearest hometown friends, and I love the way she nonchalantly asks me, "Want to go pick some fruit in the Enchanted Kiwi Forest?"  Of course, the answer is yes!  And then I probably say something like, "What?  You have a kiwi forest?"  I thought we would frolick and the bairns would play... but kiwi picking can be hard work!  Poison ivy, a coyote-beating stick (just in case), and some good old-fashioned sweat.  Good thing both babies were napping in our cars.  Page's in-laws rent 16 acres of kiwi!  I can't wait to go again... I donated most of my kiwi to The Cause (they are selling 7000 to a local CSA), but I have about fifteen furry little brown fruits ripening on the kitchen countertop. 

I've never seen anything like it. 

The tree of life grows, too!  I am on my third repeat of the tree of life design on Lil D. Mo's sweater!

Speaking of little D, he just said, "Dana Out!" so I guess naptime/blogtime is over.

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