Friday, September 03, 2010

Other Firsts... and a Lace re-bound

This week we had another big first... the first day of "school."  We signed Little D. up for a Mother's Morning Out (MMO) program at a local church. He goes from 9am to noon on my workdays. and it gives his babysitter a little break.  We also thought it might be time to socialize our little wild animal.  He has a sun with his name on it and his own little hook in the classroom to hang his doggie backpack, pronounced  "backback."  It is too cute.   He calls the other children "babies," and if he hears you say the word "school" then he automatically says "backback."

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (house), I have been rebounding from the lace shawl accomplishment with some friendly and simplistic garter stitch wash cloths.  Over a year ago, I asked my friend Mary what she wanted as a gift for her blessingway, and she said some handknit kitchen washrags... Her boy just turned ONE, and I just put them in the mail.  I love me some Mary.  She is my mommy role model.  She sent me the most encouraging text message on Little D.'s first day of school.  "LUV some MMO!"

A few more favorite pics from this week... a family portrait from our VW ride and a very sleepy baby. 

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