Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fruits of my Labor

Baby Lulu's mom happens to be a really cool lady.  She's one of my dearest hometown friends, and I love the way she nonchalantly asks me, "Want to go pick some fruit in the Enchanted Kiwi Forest?"  Of course, the answer is yes!  And then I probably say something like, "What?  You have a kiwi forest?"  I thought we would frolick and the bairns would play... but kiwi picking can be hard work!  Poison ivy, a coyote-beating stick (just in case), and some good old-fashioned sweat.  Good thing both babies were napping in our cars.  Page's in-laws rent 16 acres of kiwi!  I can't wait to go again... I donated most of my kiwi to The Cause (they are selling 7000 to a local CSA), but I have about fifteen furry little brown fruits ripening on the kitchen countertop. 

I've never seen anything like it. 

The tree of life grows, too!  I am on my third repeat of the tree of life design on Lil D. Mo's sweater!

Speaking of little D, he just said, "Dana Out!" so I guess naptime/blogtime is over.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thunderstorm Knitting

A great dark thundercloud has just rolled over my house... the babe is sleeping... I have a hot cocoa packet left over from camping at LEAF...  Clearly, it's knitting time!  I cast-on for a sweater for my little guy while driving up to the mountains (he calls them "mounts.... big mounts") for LEAF two weekends ago.  It's coming along slowly, steadily. 
Here is my rainy little knitting nook:

It's really coming down!