Sunday, November 29, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009


Not so sure where I've been & what I've been doing lately... Let's see if we can piece it together!

Before I left for SAFF, we had a wonderful family bonfire.  Everyone chipped in to create a feast, and we sat around the fire telling our "how we met" and "how we got engaged" stories.  That very day, I discovered something new about my son-- He had TEETH cutting through his gums.  (This picture was taken a week later when his little pearly whites were out enough to be photographed.)

SAFF was sooooo much fun and a much-needed girl/yarn weekend.  I will have to do a SAFF stash line-up later.  I haven't taken any photos of my new yarns.  On Sunday morning, Morgan and I took the class "Wonderful Wool" by Rita Buchanan.  It was more about properties of wool and wool preparation than a spinning technique class.  I learned a lot-- especially how to be a better shopper when it comes to buying wool for spinning...  Here is a picture Morgan snapped of me at my Lendrum spinning wheel.  I'm wearing my Noro Kureyon entrelac scarf... If you are dying to see all the handknits me and my friends sported at SAFF check this post on Knitty Nikki's blog!

To be honest, Halloween was a bust.  I had to work.  Our porch light was burned out.  We had no candy.  The boy's costume was a bit... make-shift.  His daddy didn't take him trick-or-treating.  His mother wouldn't let him have candy anyway.  He was supposed to be a lumberjack.  Here is the only picture taken of him on Halloween.  Told you it was pretty lame... His dada allegedly could not find his crocheted chainsaw to complete the costume.

The Friday before Halloween was lots of fun, however.  We carved pumpkins with my neice and nephew... Here was mine...

Morgan came over last weekend for lunch and knitting.  While the baby napped, we knitted and had tea...

I finished one Fetching (fingerless mittens with a cabled pattern) and she knocked out a hat and worked on a sock.