No knitting pics today. My camera is in California... with my husband. The little one and I are roughing it without daddy for a week+ while he climbs giant redwood trees with friends on the west coast. To make matters worse, Aunt Lolly went with him! What are we going to do without them?!
I've completed five repeats for Laura D.'s wedding shawl... Made up the bed with soft, secondhand, girly-licious pink and purple sheets... Picking out paint colors to re-paint the entire house... Trying to remember to do all the things he does for us. This list is rather long-- making sure the dog and cat are fed, watering the veggie pots, making childcare/dogcare arrangements on my workdays, figuring out healthy meals on my workdays, and on and on. Well, last night supper was a spinach and cheddar omelet with oven fries, but you know what I mean.
Little D. and I are waiting for the arrival of a new friend, the Myers baby, due any day now. We don't know if we are waiting on a little boy or a little girl, so it is even more exciting. I don't want to call and bug them-- I remember ALL the is-he-here-yet calls I got when I went into my 40th and then 41st week of pregnancy. It's not like I was going to forget to tell the biggest news of my life. The birth of my son was the most grueling and euphoric experience of my life, and I cannot wait for Jennifer to experience birth and her new identity as a mother.
What is my little guy doing these days? He babbles a lot now... "Da-da-da-da" was the first syllable, which thrilled his father to no end. The baby was clearly saying daddy, right? I'm using these 10 days while he's in California to work on "ma-ma-ma-ma," especially while nursing, ha! He can sit up without support now. He topples over every so often, but he can sit and play and look around. He loves the view from off the ground! He doesn't want to lay and kick in the bathtub anymore... He wants to sit up and splash with his hands. We meant to try cereal before Dana left for California, but there just wasn't time. I think when he comes home, I will be ready for our adventures in food.
My grandmother's 89th birthday was last weekend. We gave her the digital frame that we have been working on with over 300 family photos. Here are a few of my favorites-- her as a young mother with my uncle, and then six years later with my father.